Thursday, April 26, 2012

Pre-Avengers Plans

T-minus one week and counting!! "The Avengers" opens next week, on May 4th, with much happy anticipation on the part of me and my family. To prepare, and as an excuse for some cheap fun, my brother suggested a "Marvel Movie Marathon", which I offered to host, since I have the day off this Saturday and we also have a giant TV. Also, all my children are old enough to watch the movies, so I'm not going to have the problem of little ones with nothing to do. We're watching them in release date order, rather than by chronological order (as some die-hard geeks might prefer), starting with  "Iron Man" and ending with "Captain America". I know some local movie theaters had the same idea, but I'm really happy with doing it at my house, where it will be free. Plus I made homemade Snickers candy... so win-win-win!
I only hope I'm not getting my hopes up just to be disappointed... I mean, with "The Avengers". Fingers crossed...

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